قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ - الأنعام: ١٦٢

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm an Ignorant!

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Yesterday I've been asked if we should recite the Qur'an out loud when praying alone...As a kid I had this piece of information that we shouldn't, so I replied  "No, it's only for those who lead the prayer". 

For some reason I wanted to double-check the info. and so I went to my sister to ask her. She replied that she didn't read anything about it & she brought a book that described how prophet mohammad PBUH prayed "صفة صلاة النبي". We started reading a little, but we still wasn't 100% sure. 

So I started googling the question & found this fatwa.

Should a person who is praying alone recite Qur’aan out loud?
What is the ruling on reciting out loud in prayer for one who is praying alone? Is it permissible to recite silently?

Praise be to Allaah.
Reciting out loud in Fajr prayer and in the first two rak’ahs of Maghrib and ‘Isha’ is Sunnah for both one who is leading the prayers and one who is praying alone. If a person recites silently there is no sin on him, but that means that he is neglecting a Sunnah. If the person who is praying alone thinks that reciting silently helps him to focus more in prayer, then that is o.k., because it was narrated that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed at night, sometimes he would recite out loud and sometimes he would recite silently, as was reported by ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her). For one who is leading the prayers, the Sunnah is always to recite out loud, following the example of the Prophet (S) and because that enables the congregation to benefit by hearing the words of Allaah, whether the prayer is fard (obligatory) or naafil (supererogatory). 
And Allaah is the Source of Strength. 
Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah li Samaahat al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him), 11/116.

So I realised, I don't even know all the basics of the main thing that defines me as a Muslim.

 رأس الأمر الإسلام وعموده الصلاة
الراوي: معاذ بن جبل المحدث: ابن القيم المصدر: الصلاة وحكم تاركها - لصفحة أو الرقم: 34
خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح 

فاللهمّ فقهنا في ديننا و أرزقنا العمل بما نتعلم

Saturday, August 14, 2010

البصر في العواقب

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

من عاين بعين بصيرته تناهي الأمور في بداياتها، نال خيرها، و نجا من شرها. و من لم ير العواقب غلب عليه الحس، فعاد عليه بالألم ما طلب منه السلامة، و بالنصب ما رجا منه الراحة.

و بيان هذا في المستقبل، يتبين بذكر الماضي، و هو أنك لا تخلو، أن تكون عصيت الله في عمرك، أو أطعته.

فأين لذة معصيتك؟ و أين تعب طاعتك؟ هيهات رحل كلٌّ بما فيه! فليت الذنوب إذ تخلت خلت! و أزيدك في هذا بيانًا: مثل ساعة الموت، و انظر إلى مرارة التفريط، و لا أقول: كيف تغلب حلاوة اللذات؛ لأن حلاوة اللذات استحالت حنظلًا، فبقيت مرارة الأسى بلا مقاوم.

أتراك علمت أن الأمر بعواقبه؟ فراقب العواقب تسلم،  و لا تَمِل مع هوى الحس فتندم.

منقول من كتاب صيد الخاطر لابن الجوزيّ

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In 5 Hours!

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

On my counter...5 hours to Ramadan =)
They're actually less...If it will be tomorrow insha'Allah (let's all hope so) then there will be Tarawih today which will make them less :) I just can't wait :)

Imagining that ALL the Heaven doors' will be open...and ALL Hell doors' will be closed...Imagining that there will only be Angels around... :)))) How GREAT and Peaceful :)))

Subhaan Allah it's only 1 Month in the year...The Nobel companions used to pray 6 months that Allah makes them reach it...and the other 6 that Allah accept their work in it :)

اللهمّ بلغنا إياه...و اجعلنا من عتاقئك فيه في أول ليلة 

Happy Ramadan Everyone..Remember It's only 1 Month and it may be our last, so let it be the Best!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Scientific Computing [2/2]

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Well, that was supposed to be posted a little bit earlier...

Here we are, SC Part 2 :)
[This was part 1: Scientific Computing [1/2]]

The subjects for the 2nd term were in the alphabetic order:
  • Computational Geometry
  • Distributed Computing
  • Environmental
  • Theory of Computations
  • Selected Topic

Computational Geometry was one of the good classes...we learned many algorithms & we brainstormed for solutions together. At the end of the year we made a package that could (test for line intersections, construct convex hull, test for point location & test for star shaped polygons and gets their kernel)

[some snapshots]

Distributed Computing...In this subject we studied the structure of parallel platforms...the control, communication and networks...The goal was to run an algorithm on more than one machine in parallel.
We studied many algorithms. For every algorithm, we studied how it works in series, in parallel and analyzed it.
It was an interesting subject and I enjoyed it's study...

Environmental...I can not stop remembering Dr.M.Hashim entering our exam and saying: "Any Questions?"...we replied that we're SC so we don't take security (lucky us :D) so he said: "3andoko emta7an bee2a!" (the translation for environmental) :D 
So what's about this subject?..It's name is Environmental and Global Change.
Statistical: is the set of mathematical equations that describe the behavior of an object in terms of random variables and their distributions (studied first term in Simulation)
Deterministic: outcomes are precisely determined through the relationships between the states and events in the system without using random variables (we are interested in this)

We studied the ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) & the PDEs (Partial Differential Equations)...how to solve them using a number of methods & how to evaluate them.
At the end we made a package that could solve differential equations in a generic way with most of the techniques.

Theory of Computations...This subject has lots of similarities with Automata (studied in our 3rd year). First we decide if a given problem is computable or not...then we study those computable problems...we find the order (P, NP),  construct a machine that would represent this problem or write a program (sometimes we're only allowed 4 basic instructions in writing our program)

Selected Topic...This is a course that you get to choose regardless to your department.
I chose to study Java with IBM corporation. I don't know whether it was the best choice or not...As a whole package (system, organizing, syllabus) I wouldn't take it again. At the beginning there was lots of problems about the groups. I lost some of the lectures..then I ended up in a group that hated their instructor! He was changed, but what do you expect from the new instructor who knows she came to substitute the one we didn't like?
Anywayz the time was also not enough for her to give us the whole syllabus...I knew the basics of Java (applications/web) and I tried to get the most benefit out of what was left

This was the 2nd term. I enjoyed being an SCian for this year.

I hope you find this post useful. May you choose the best department that would suit you. May you be compatible with it & enjoy your last year ever as an undergraduate student.

[You might be interested to look at this topic too: Starting your GP?]

Sunday, August 1, 2010

بريد كل اسبوع 4

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

email_clipart_computer.gif (200×140)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَنَبْلُوكُم بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ ﴿الأنبياء: ٣٥

سبحان الله ،، الأية دي ملخص الحياه كلها ....
أولا... الله عز و جل بيفكرنا إن إحنا كلنا هنموت و إن الدنيا دي كلها إبتلاء 
بس هو نوعين : في إبتلاء بالنعم و في إبتلاء بالمرض أو الموت و الحاجات اللي شبه كدة ..
 فسبحان الله ،، فعلا عجبا لأمر المؤمن !!! أمره كله خير :)
لما يبتلى بحاجة صعبة و يصبر له ثواب كبير و لما يبتلى بنعمة و يشكر له ثواب كبير...
الفكرة كلها بقى ،، إحنا بنشكر ربنا على النعمة و نصبر على الصعب ؟؟؟

حاسبوا أنفسكم 

هل أنا مركز أوي إن كل حاجة بتحصل دي من عند الله و إنها إبتلاء و بتصرف على الأساس ده  ؟؟؟؟
ولا لما يحصلي حاجة مش كويسة من وجهة نظري أقول ليه كدة بس يا رب .. حتى لو قلتها بقلبي مش بلساني ؟؟؟
و لما ربنا ينعم علي هل بشكر ربنا فعلا ؟؟؟؟

سبحان الله و الله ،، يومك ده كله إبتلاء عشان الدنيا دي كلها إبتلاء فحتى الوقت الممكن يبقى فاضي عندك شوية ده إبتلاء ، هاتستغلو إزاي و وقت لما تبقى مشغول قوي ده برضو إبتلاء ...

ربنا يرضى عنا جميعا و يوفقنا إن إحنا نشكر و نصبر ..
اللهم إنا نشكو إليك ضعف قوتنا و قلة حيلتنا و هواننا على الناس ... إن لم يكن بك علينا غضب فلا نبالي .... 
