قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ - الأنعام: ١٦٢

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

بريد كل اسبوع 5

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

email_clipart_computer.gif (200×140)

ٱقۡتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمۡ وَهُمۡ فِى غَفۡلَةٍ۬ مُّعۡرِضُونَ 

سبحان الله 
يمكن  كلنا حافظين الأية دي  و بنسمعها كتير أوي ، بس هل  أنا مستشعر  الأية دي ؟؟

حسابنا قرب أوي ... سبحان الله  ... كنت بفكر كدة فبقول ..ياه الواحد كان لسة من كام يوم طفل  و اكتشفت إن الكام يوم دول أكتر من ٢٠ سنة 

فبجد سبحان الله على الوقت اللي بيجري بسرعة أوي ... بجد الحساب قرب أوي 

طب هنقول إيه ؟؟؟؟

هل هنقول  هَآؤُمُ ٱقۡرَءُواْ كِتَـٰبِيَهۡ ولا هنقول يَـٰلَيۡتَنِى لَمۡ أُوتَ كِتَـٰبِيَهۡ

هل هبقى فخور أوي بأعمالي ولا ...... ؟؟؟

طب إحنا لسة عايشين الحمد لله ، طب مانراجع أعمالنا كدة و نشوف 

حاسبوا أنفسكم 

أنا بعمل إيه في حياتي ؟؟؟
يوم الحساب ، هقول لربنا إيه ؟؟؟ يا رب أنا ضيعت حياتي علشانك و في سبيلك؟ ولا علشان هوى نفسي و متعتي بس ؟؟

بجد الموضوع يستاهل وقفة مع النفس و حساب  للنفس 

اللهم أجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه 
ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا و هب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب 
اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من السلب بعد العطاء


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Studying Tips

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

First you have to note that what goes right for someone does not necessary go right for everyone. We're different, so we conceive information differently.
So to start, everyone should define himself for himself...like:
  • I perform the best when not under pressure.
  • I need to revise an information twice in order to get it.
  • I love equations.
  • I remember stuff when linked together.
  • etc...
Everyone has his own unique list and remember "We Are Different" :)

Here are some tips that were useful to me and I'll try to generalize them in order to fit with most of us.

Start by motivating yourself
Search for a motive to study the subject, like objectives, applications,...why this subject is important for "me"?
Write a list of intentions, why are you studying? link it with your beliefs.
Sometimes you may just need to do something nice before you start, like a good healthy meal, some exercises or may be a computer game :)

Manage your time.
Do not spend the whole day moving between different subjects and having a Zero output at the end of the day!
Do not distract yourself with phone calls while trying to concentrate. (make time for them :))
Group your questions to the end of your study.
[check those 2 maps for some time-management tips #1 #2]

Before you start, make sure that there is nothing on your desk that is not related to the subject you're about to start :) If possible, only put the materials that you'll currently use.
It helps a lot to feel that you only have something small to do, also so as not to be distracted with the other subjects.

Try to have fun :) Enjoy what you're doing with all possible ways.
use colors, sticky notes, drawings, ...... anything that would make ur studying seems to be fun :)
you can even make a funny chart with all your tasks and deadlines.
For me, mindmaps played a very important role in my study
(check out this document for a quick intro about mindmapping )

Take breaks...never stay so long on your desk...It's boring & you'll lose concentration. Take a 5 mins break each 55 mins or something. It depends upon the subject you're studying.

Plan your studying time. Make specific studying hours and have some goals to reach.
Make time for having fun, helping your friends, communicating with your family..........
Try to have a balanced life.

Collaboration! Sometimes it helps a lot to study in groups. Brainstorm with your friends & share your good ideas. Generally the IQ of a group is much larger than the IQ of an individual.

As you study -through the whole year- highlight all the important parts and main topics. It will help you a lot when revising and when trying to find some specific piece of information.

Stay organized as much as you can. It will save you plenty of time when it's time to study!

Last but not least, never forget night prayers. I can't remember/find the name now, but it was said that one of the good ancestors -who was a chemist- used to pray at night when faced by hard chemistry problems :)
إذا استعصت عليه مسألة، أستعان عليها بقيام الليل

Remember to always follow up with yourself to make sure you're on the right road

Happy new semester everyone 

Think Different!

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

You know this famous quote "They laugh cause I'm different and I laugh cause they're all the same" :D?
Well it's a fact that we're different...so why think in a traditional way?
Let your thoughts take you wherever and maybe you'll be that distinguished character who'll actually make a difference.

In 2005, I took a course called "Think Different". It was all about creative thinking and how to be creative.
It began with a simple questionnaire that was supposed to tell you whether you are creative or not.
I don't remember it all, but what stuck in my mind was a question that said: "Do you mix and match with your clothes?"
Well, who don't?! It is quite rare that you meet a girl who wears this specific scarf with this specific shoes and this specific bag and this specific...............you get the point. I believe that even boys don't do this!
The point is, most of the people will definitely answer this question with a "Yes".
and the questionnaire said that if you answered at least 1 question with a yes, then you're creative!
So they started by telling us you're all creative (in a practical way).

From the funny tasks that we took this session was to spend 1 week trying to get off your bed each day in a different way. Like jumping, falling, putting ur hands first on the floor, ........

In 2007, I joined a workshop in ACES that was called mindcodecs, which was also about creativity.
from the most practical and usable things I learned there was the PO.
What PO?
It stands for Provocative Operation. This term was created by Edward De Bono (who also created the 6 thinking hats) [search for it if you wanna learn more, it's interesting ;)]

How I first used this process? well we were teamed up and we needed to find a name for our team. So, we decided to use this operation. I opened a novel that I was holding and got to a random page & we started searching for random words in the page and chose "topaz blu sky" to be our name :)

So as a conclusion...
We're ALL creative.
There are loots of techniques that you can learn to increase your creativity.
Start with yourself and try to exercise being creative.

And a small note...when you are thinking about some important issue and you really need some creative ideas and you can't find any, it doesn't mean that you are not creative!
do not pressure your mind and always remember "The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away."  ~Linus Pauling

You see things as they are and ask, Why? I dream things as they never were and say, Why not?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eid + TA

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Today is the last day in Ramadan...This year it went really fast!
May we all be accepted before the sun set...May we all have forgiven sins & fresh starts
May we all keep the same high spirit after it ends..
and May we all Have a really Happy Eid :)

So to the Next year insha'Allah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxPnuO7svJE

اللهمّ تقبل منّا رمضان

During this blessed month...I spent 2 weeks in asking ppl & researching about how suitable being a TA at college would be...and after asking 2 Sheikhs...I decided to give it a try and sign the acceptance paper.

I don't know if it is truly the right thing or not...I just took the decision with the reasons I know now...and I'm still in this stage of defining all what's around me...So I'm keeping this prayer that if it was the right thing, May Allah Facilitate it for me..and if it is the wrong thing, May Allah Shows me the right thing & let me go for it.

Telling one of my younger friends about this news...she was just super excited and happy...I know I can't describe how she reacted, but she made me this special picture :)

Thaaaanks Amal! :)
looooove youu awiiiiii <3

So, I guess I'm a TA "ila 7iin Esh3aron 2a5ar"! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Transition Stage

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Passing through a transition stage is really irritating. For 18 years now, I've been a student. Now that I'm a graduate, life is different. 
I used to live simply without thinking a lot. Life went on. Short goals weren't such a disaster...I wanted to graduate and here I am.

So what's next? 
I had this dream of opening my own business, where I'll be producing wonderful, interesting, educative cartoons & games :) 
But, is it time? I mean I'm just a fresh graduate, no real experience and not even enough information or enough crazy people! 
I guess I need to take some more solo steps before this dream sees the light.

I had this offer of working in college as a TA. I don't know yet if I'll take it. I'm still thinking about it, but till now it's probably a No.
I love the job, so no need to tell me about how awesome it is :) It's just that I've put myself some constraints in the job that I'll choose and I believe they'll be broken in this one.

May be I'll join some company, but given all the facts, it won't be my dream company :D
I'm okay with that, if I'm gonna enjoy the work :)

I had this wish in the past few weeks. I need a line to walk on without thinking... 
A line drawn for me...that is surely the best (a) 

اللهمّ أرني الحق حقًا و أرزقني اتباعه، و أرني الباطل باطلًا و أرزقني أجتنابه
و لا تجعلهما متشابهان علي فأتبع هواي فأضل

So May it pass really fast...and May Allah give me the strength to handle all the change.